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You can cancel your booking up to 24 hours before arrival

Covered Destinations > Rome Termini Station   Rome  

Euro Parking

short time

 MAX H.2,20 m




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Location and access to parking
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*Rating based on our users' evaluations.
Opening Time:
Open H24.
To access check ZTL times.

Euro Parking is close to the Roma Termini railway station. The area is well served by public transport, in a short time you can reach main city areas like: Teatro Dell'Opera, Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri, Chiesa di San Bernardo alle Terme, Chiesa di Santa Maria della Vittoria, Chiesa di Santa Susanna alle Terme di Diocleziano, San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, Chiesa di Sant'Andrea al Quirinale, Palazzo Del Quirinale, Scuderie Del Quirinale, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, Basilica dei Santi Silvestro and Martino ai Monti.

The car park is guarded 24H and controlled with a closed circuit camera system.

Euro Parking is inside ZTL (Limited Traffic Zone).

The Garage cannot authorize access to the LTZ under any circumstances when it is active!

The hours when the LTZ (Limited Traffic Zone) is active are:
- Monday to Friday from 6:30 to 18:00;
- On Saturday from 14:00 to 18:00.
On Saturdays and holidays the ZTL is not active.
During the festive period from 7 December 2024 to 6 January 2025, the hours of the ZTL Centro Storico will be extended from 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., also on Saturdays and public holidays, with the exception of 25 December 2024 only.

Vehicles with full electric traction can circulate freely and free of charge within all of Rome's LTZs, without being issued a paper sticker. It is sufficient to enter the vehicle's license plate online ON THE WEBSITE OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ROME at this link: to allow traffic wardens to verify it when checking.

You can leave the LTZ freely, at any time of the day and with any type of vehicle.

Use the map to calculate the route to reach the parking. Parking address and phone numbers are on your MyParking Voucher sent to you by e-mail after the booking.

Nei pressi dell'autorimessa si trovano importanti monumenti ed attrattori turistici come Teatro Dell'Opera, Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri, Chiesa di Santa Maria della Vittoria, Chiesa di Santa Susanna alle Terme di Diocleziano, San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, Chiesa di Sant'Andrea al Quirinale, Palazzo e Scuderie Del Quirinale, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, Basilica dei Santi Silvestro e Martino ai Monti.
Non molto lontano e facilmente raggiungibili vi sono la Domus Aurea, il Colosseo, l'Arco di Costantino, il Foro Romano, le Terme di Diocleziano, il Policlinico Umberto Primo, l'Istituto di Odontoiatria George Eastman, l'Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza.

Information about Euro Parking

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Euro Parking

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Indoor Car small [Max 3.7 m.]

Indoor Car medium [Max 4.3 m.]

Indoor Car large [Max 4.8 m.]

Indoor Car luxury [Max 4.8 m.]

Indoor Motorhome and Van

Indoor Motorbike

  • it M. Very Good 9
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it Ornella Good 8.5
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it Eli Excellent! 10
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it Jessica Very Good 9.2
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it Cecilia Excellent! 10
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it Doramoscato Excellent! 10
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it AlessandroPeccolo Excellent! 10
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it Michele Average 7.5
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it LORENZOG Good 8
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it FabrizioG Good 8.5
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
Last 10 of 249 ratings. Show all

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