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Madrid Airport



You can cancel your booking up to 24 hours before arrival



You can cancel your booking up to 24 hours before arrival

Covered Destinations > Madrid Airport  

Aparca Seguro Aeropuerto Barajas T1-T2-T3-T4

short time


Additional Services


Location and recognition of parking staff at the meeting point
Staff organization
Quality and timeliness of the service Car Valet
Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
Average rating
*Rating based on our users' evaluations.
Opening Time:
Open from 06:00 to 23:00.

En Aparca Seguro Madrid Barajas prestan un servicio de máxima calidad a los precios más competitivos. Son una empresa especializadas en movilidad urbana y transporte de pasajeros con conductor, y todos sus conductores cuentan con una dilatada experiencia y máximas garantías de profesionalidad.

Recogerán tu coche en la zona de salidas de la terminal desde donde sale tu vuelo y, a tu vuelta, te devolverán el coche en la terminal donde llegue tu vuelo. Solo tienes que llamar al conductor 30 minutos antes de llegar al aeropuerto para coordinar la entrega de tu coche.

Aparca Seguro Madrid cuenta con un parking exclusivo para nuestros clientes, colindante con el Aeropuerto de Madrid - Barajas, no compartido con otros operadores y a tan solo 5 minutos de la zona de pasajeros del Aeropuerto de Madrid-Barajas. Es un aparcamiento cerrado, con seguridad y asegurado.

Para asegurarte que tu vehículo se te devolverá tal y como nos lo confiaste, en el momento de entregarnos tu coche harám un rápido informe de su estado, que incluya también fotografías, y tomarán nota de la hora exacta de entrega, los kms. y nivel de gasolina.

Servicio de Recogida y Entrega a la terminal:
En el viaje de ida, llame al aparcamiento 30 minutos antes de llegar a la terminal. A la vuelta, después de recoger su equipaje, llame al aparcamiento para concertar la entrega de su coche.

Recuerda, solo prestan el servicio de aparcamiento con conductor desde las terminales del Aeropuerto de Madrid-Barajas.

Information about Aparca Seguro Aeropuerto Barajas T1-T2-T3-T4

🅿️ Features:
🔧 Additional Services:
⭐ Customer ratings:
📍 Covered Destinations:

Aparca Seguro Aeropuerto Barajas T1-T2-T3-T4

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Outdoor Car [Max 5 m.] + Car Valet

Outdoor Car [Max 5 m.] + Car Valet
  • es Valentina Excellent! 10
    Location and recognition of parking staff at the meeting point
    Staff organization
    Quality and timeliness of the service Car Valet
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
  • es RitaR Very Good 9
    Location and recognition of parking staff at the meeting point
    Staff organization
    Quality and timeliness of the service Car Valet
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
  • es JavierValderrama Very Good 9.2
    Location and recognition of parking staff at the meeting point
    Staff organization
    Quality and timeliness of the service Car Valet
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
  • es GabrielJimenez Excellent! 10
    Location and recognition of parking staff at the meeting point
    Staff organization
    Quality and timeliness of the service Car Valet
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
  • es JuanPaulano Excellent! 10
    Location and recognition of parking staff at the meeting point
    Staff organization
    Quality and timeliness of the service Car Valet
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
  • es AlvaroRC Good 8.5
    Location and recognition of parking staff at the meeting point
    Staff organization
    Quality and timeliness of the service Car Valet
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
  • es Jett Very Good 9.7
    Location and recognition of parking staff at the meeting point
    Staff organization
    Quality and timeliness of the service Car Valet
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
  • es Juanjo Average 7.7
    Location and recognition of parking staff at the meeting point
    Staff organization
    Quality and timeliness of the service Car Valet
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
  • es IsabelL Excellent! 10
    Location and recognition of parking staff at the meeting point
    Staff organization
    Quality and timeliness of the service Car Valet
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
  • es Santiago Excellent! 10
    Location and recognition of parking staff at the meeting point
    Staff organization
    Quality and timeliness of the service Car Valet
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
Last 10 of 46 ratings. Show all

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