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You can cancel your booking up to 24 hours before arrival

Covered Destinations > Rome   Rome Vatican  

AUTO PARK Garage Clodia

short time

 MAX H.2,60 m



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Location and access to parking
Quality of the structure
Average rating
*Rating based on our users' evaluations.
Opening Time:
From Monday to Saturday from 06:00 to 01:00 at night.
On Sunday and holidays from 06:00 to 10:00 and from 18:00 to 01:00 at night.

29 June and from 12 to 24 August open from 06:00 to 10:00 and from 19:00 to 01:00.

The Auto Park Garage Clodia is a modern and professionally managed facility.
The parking lot is located in the Centre of Rome, between the Pratineighborhood and the Triumphal Quarter; a few steps away from the Vatican Museums, in front of the Flower market and adjacent to the historic centre. In a favourable position to reach many points of considerable interest; within a few minutes on foot you can reach the Cyprus and Octavian, the Metropolitan subway of Rome - Line A, Vatican City and the Judicial Offices (Civil and Criminal Court, Public Prosecutor's Office, Court of Appeal). Not very far from Olympic Stadium and outside the ZTL zone.
Outside ZTL (restricted traffic area).

Features: The car park is guarded 24H and controlled with a closed circuit camera system.

Use the map to calculate the route to reach the parking. Parking address and phone numbers are on your MyParking Voucher sent to you by e-mail after the booking.

Information about AUTO PARK Garage Clodia

🅿️ Features:
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AUTO PARK Garage Clodia

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Indoor Car [Max 5.3 m.]

Indoor Car small [Max 3.9 m.]

Indoor Car medium [Max 4.5 m.]

Indoor Car large [Max 5.5 m.]

Indoor Car luxury

Indoor Motorbike

  • it MonaldoAndreozzi Very Good 9
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it CamilloD Excellent! 10
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it Simon Excellent! 10
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it CamilloD Excellent! 10
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it Cristian Excellent! 10
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it Enzo Excellent! 10
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it Damiano Very Good 9
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it Franco Good 8.7
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it CamilloD Excellent! 10
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it ArmandoP Excellent! 10
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
Last 10 of 92 ratings. Show all

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